Sunday, July 13, 2008


Barry Barry Barry, that was all the tabloids talked about, from ESPN to TMZ, everyone had barry fever this time last year. Everyone was talking about his suspected use of steroids, but thats not what i'm not here to talk about, I just wanted to see if anyone noticed that he has seemed to disappear, no longer playing the MLB as of Today (july 13th 2008) although that may someday change, it seems Barry is still on that paper chase, from amature cross dressing appearances at your local ballpark to the "Get Like Me" music video, the funny thing about that is, do I need steroids to get like him?? With all jokes aside, Barry obviously is a very talented baseball player, He was great in college and until there is 100% proof he drank that 'Juice' he has my respect as a baseball player, takes a lot of swings to hit that many HR's lol. His Cameo is from like 0.45-.51 seconds in the beginning of the video.

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