Monday, August 18, 2008

I put onnnnnn.... I put on fo my tiddyyyyyyyyyyyyy

The other day my Dad and Uncle were watching t.v and talking business when I was getting a drink from the fridge, we all began talking and joking around then this happened.... All of a sudden I hear "I just love my tiddy bear" so of course hearing titty made my ears perk up ;) heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol but then I started cracking up asking them if they just heard that, they looked confused and then we all focused on the infomercial, again I hear tiddy bear... we are all laughing thinking this is some MAD TV/SNL spoof but I assure you it was NOT, this is an actual product, I mean they REALLY know how to get peoples attention, man I do love me some tiddy....bears hahajajahaha

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